Back pain is one of the chronic problems of modern people. It is caused by sitting for a long time with a wrong posture or lifting heavy objects that put a strain on the back. Back pain can cause discomfort in daily life and, in serious cases, lead to diseases such as disc herniation.
Therefore, it is important to know how to prevent and treat back pain. One of the simplest and most effective ways is stretching. Stretching relaxes the muscles and ligaments, improves blood circulation, and reduces the pressure on the back, relieving pain. In this article, we will introduce some stretching exercises that are good to do when you have back pain.
Some stretching exercises that are good to do when you have back pain
1. Cobra pose
Cobra pose to relieve back pain
- Lie down on the floor face down. Keep your legs together and bend your elbows to place your palms on the floor.
- Breathe in deeply and straighten your arms to lift your upper body. Tilt your head and chest as far back as possible.
- Hold this pose for 20-30 seconds. Enjoy the feeling of stretching your back and abdomen.
- Breathe out slowly and lower your upper body. Touch the floor with your abdomen, chest, and forehead in order.
Cobra pose is a stretching exercise that helps not only with back pain but also with spine alignment and blood circulation. It stretches your abdomen to reduce the pressure on your back and straightens your spine to correct your posture. It also stimulates blood flow to reduce inflammation and swelling in your back. Cobra pose is not difficult, so try it every day!
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2. Child’s Pose
Child’s Pose for back pain
- Sit on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
- Stretch your arms forward as far as you can. Bend your upper body until your palms and forehead touch the floor.
- Hold this pose for 20-30 seconds. Enjoy the feeling of stretching your back and spine.
Bowing pose is a stretching exercise that is easier than cobra pose. Stretch your arms as far as you can without pain, and avoid this pose if you have knee problems. Bowing pose not only prevents back pain but also relaxes the core muscles of your body. It also stretches the muscles of your back, spine, hips, and shoulders. Bowing pose is good to do every day!
3. Cat pose
Cat pose for effective back pain relief
- Get on all fours on the floor. Spread your hands and knees shoulder-width apart.
- Breathe in deeply and tilt your head and chest as far back as possible. Sink your waist towards the floor.
- Breathe out slowly and lower your head forward. Pull your abdomen towards your back and lift your waist towards the ceiling.
- Repeat this movement 3-5 times. Return to the starting position while adjusting your breathing.
Cat pose is a stretching exercise that mimics the posture of a cat. It maintains the S-shape of the spine and stretches the muscles of the back and waist, helping to stabilize the lumbar spine. It is a good pose for back pain and spinal disorders, so try it regularly!
4. knee hug
- Lie down on the floor and bend your legs. Grab your toes with your hands and pull them toward your chest.
- Pull your knees toward your chest and shoulders while lifting your hips slightly. Stretch your lower back and feel the comfort.
- This is a simple pose that you can do before or after sleeping.
It is an easy pose but it gives a good stretching effect to your hips and lower back muscles. It is also helpful for lower back pain. Do it 2-4 times for 15-30 seconds before or after sleeping. If it is hard or painful to do both legs at the same time, you can do one leg at a time.
5. Twist pose
- Sit on the floor and extend your legs.
- Bend your right leg and place it over your left leg. Put your right foot on the outside of your left knee.
- Keep your upper body straight and twist it to the right. Place your left elbow on the outside of your right knee and your right hand on the floor behind your chest.
- Turn your head and shoulders to the right and feel the stretch in your lower back and abdominal muscles. Use your right knee and left elbow to stabilize your upper body and keep your hips from lifting off the floor.
- Do the same on the left side.
This is a good stretching pose for your pelvis, abdomen, and lower back muscles. It helps to balance your lower back muscles and prevent lower back pain. Be careful not to lift your hips off the floor as it will reduce the stretching effect.
We introduced some stretching poses that can easily relieve lower back pain.
These poses are simple enough for beginners to follow. They may look easy but they have a good effect on your lower back. You can feel your lower back relax when you try them once.
Modern people who spend a lot of time sitting suffer from lower back pain. Stretching for a few minutes every day will help your lower back health.
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